A fresh and dynamic approach to classical music, for everyone.

Vision Statement

With year-round classical music, multi-media performances, dialogues and educational programs in venues that can be equally enjoyed by all members of the community, Music for Montauk will awaken a passion for music in residents and visitors alike, with accessible, dramatic and beautiful, and at times, comedic productions.



Founded in 1983 by Bill Akin, Montauk Chamber Music Society presented a number of classical concerts and recitals in private venues. As Music Director, New York cellist Fredrick Zlotkin was instrumental in bringing world renowned musicians such as pianist Misha Dichter to Montauk. In 1991 the name Music For Montauk was adopted when producing concerts for the general public became a priority. Soon there after Ruth Widder assumed management of the organization. Ruth was instrumental in producing over 90 free concerts for local residents from Montauk to Watermill. After Mrs. Widder's passing in 2013, founder Bill Akin was thrilled to pass the leadership torch to Lilah Gosman, a Montauk native who has pursued a multi-track career trajectory in New York City as both a musician and specialist educator, together with her husband Miloš Repický, a pianist and conductor who is in his 9th season on the roster of the Metropolitan Opera. Ms Gosman and Mr Repický's  fresh artistic vision for Music for Montauk launched in Spring,

The Music For Montauk Team

 General Management

Artistic Planning & Development
 Lilah Gosman 
Miloš Repický
Brendan Moffitt

Legal Counsel
Rita Bonicelli 

Creative Consultant
Sally Richardson

Board Of Directors

Lilah Gosman

Vice President
Miloš Repický

Brendan Moffitt

Rita Bonicelli
Sally Richardson

Board of Trustees

Bill Akin
Evan Harrel
​Jane Bimson